Tuesday 29 July 2014

i say the following to all spiritual wickedness on earth today.
your fools for doing what you did in connection to c2q45.
of nostradamus's prophesies spoken through CHRISTIANITY'S HOLY GHOST through nostradamus. do note that. regarding me.
evil spirits are so coy.
yet in dealing with me in the fashion, they did, in this life, they have alienated themselves from me.
what idiots. i am their only defence against their own damnation. 
yet evil spirits are deliberate fools regarding real wisdom.
so, its not truly a surprise that they would do something that idiotic. to their own damnation.
http://youtu.be/vlK8EdDkdEg they are great at that. clear and simple.
they deserve to be rebuked for all their stupidities. though./
both male as well as female evil spirits deserve to be rebuked.
which is why i address these words. clear and simple.

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