Tuesday 29 July 2014

Journal entry - february 25th 2010.
Brief notes. to the readers of this website note the following verity: Which states: 
 To humanity-as well as all beings in fact so, i state this; Which is: generally speaking so, the eyes are the windows to a created molecular being's soul. Correct. Correctumundooo. Wherein, that said, let us now write this journal . retroactive to c5q76 or luke 11: 13 reflectively.
 Let us begin this journal entry with a few brief entries.  Which indirectly or directly relate unto various matters or topics previously discussed in some way or another regarding matters which relate unto prior journal entries worded by this email writer regarding this website.
First off 'briefly' to the reader, by way of 2nd peter 1: 19-21 note the following: Straight forward and to the point so, what does zechariah 14: 1-to 3 mean regarding all the facts of luke 4; 4 whole/ ? 
 Obviously the answer is simple by way of the facts of this existence as well as designated time lines of this existence in truth. Zechariah 14: 1-3 refers to after a retrograde exacted upon the last three centuries of humans as well as terrestrial life in this existence presently for the moment.

 Regarding this  conjecture. See c4q97-98. "As jeremiah 46: 28 verifies likewise.

In truth. To which end zechariah 14 states the following:  
then shall the Lord, meaning jesus, or hermes or this email author' go forth to fight against those nations as well as their deities as when he fought in the day of battle in the year 685 AD.

At that time in 685 AD  HE FOUGHT Against the son of perdition,the byzantine emperor heraclius's descendant and grandson- --Constantine pogonatus. As revelation 19: 11 as well as the facts of this life, historically as well as scripturally assert also. in truth.
That is this journals first brief note.

Now let the reader perceive the second. Worded briefly in this wise. As a question. It states thus;It states: readers of this website i ask this: i ask- Why we're the deities of other nations given the fruit of the tree of life in previous existences, at different intervals each one in his or her turn in truth?
regarding a topic already discussed in prior journals  . 
The answer is simple. Such beings referred to as deities by humans in this existence, BY WAY OF GENESIS 3:22 we're given to eat of the tree of life in previous existences due unto the fact that they honored and pleased the Christian Prime Producer God in previous existences. Wherein, as exodus 22: 28 by way of matthew 5; 17-20 states through the original christian sciptural texts so, that is why deities are to be honored by humanity in this existence. Regardless of whether they are faithful to the real Creator 'the CHRISTIAN GENITOR' in this existence anymore.

Or not.

Not that it is good to rebel against Jesus.

 i am not saying that at all. By way of facts. minus c2q38 or 52. explained also prior to this journal entry in this website to my readers appropriately in full. Albeit, nevertheless, just for the appropriate sake of record regardless, so, let it be stated that if any created being of the CHRISTIAN GOD eats of the tree of life or did eat of that tree that means that they greatly sincerely honored the CHRISTIAN CREATOR God appropriately at a certain point in a prior existence.

By which factor, they are to be honored by humans.
 despite their good or evil status with God in this life in truth. They have been given rights in this life by God over humans regardless for reasons arrogant humans do not know.Regardless, c2q45 will deal with rebellious deities in their turn. it is not for humans to be concerned about that in full. humans by way of their works in previous existences , have not reached the status of deity. just for the sake of record. If they ever even do.

 Especially this era of humans. in truth.  regarding a variety of previous existences. indeed some humans have had more previous existences then others. Some not so many in fact.

Jews , and gentiles are included in that list. granted, if a person is born a hebrew in this existence, by way of the facts,, that usually means that they we're close to pleasing God in previous existences albeit failed on some level. Gentiles are in the middle of such a class and unfortunately the fine people who deny the Lord Jesus his divinity 'for the most part, in this life, the arabs, are last in that respect.

Which is why genesis 9; 24-27 and exodus 21 are written in alignment to isaiah 56; 1-7 , leviticus 25: 38-46 and romans 2; 9-10. All in their turn in appropriate order to works in this life. respectfully.

 Reflective of matthew 8: 8-14 for example also in alignment to acts 13; 46-48 or ephesians 6: 5-9 for example regarding the works of all humans in this life is how such a truth is prescribed likewise in truth.
Albeit humans say God's word is evil and wrong in that which pertains to the instructions of Jesus Christ located within matthew 5; 17-20 in relation to exodus 21 or leviticus 25; 38-46 or deuteronomy 25; 3 or colossian's 3; 22 or isaiah 20: 4 or genesis 9; 24-27, etc etc.
yes. Humans have done a great job in dishing the instructions of Jesus so far in that respect. No wonder the earth is so well off. uh huh. uh huh. 

if a hebrew becomes too evil in this life though, he or she loses his or hebrew status and it is given to a gentile. And if a gentile goes mentally corrupt in this life their rights are taken away and given to an arab.

By which factor the mentality of romans 2: 9-10 in alignment to acts 10: 34-35' is clear. And if an arab goes mentally corrupt then God, at times, takes stones and makes humans. Albeit, somehow God miraculously hides such a matter from humans so they are unaware that he took stones and made humans in this life and gave that human, formerly a stone, salvation over corrupt jews gentiles and arabs in alignment to luke 1: 37 or luke 3; 8 in this life. in full.
Albeit nevertheless, despite that rare matter addressed generally speaking, the preceding scriptural christian functions and information are accurate folks, and not to be disobeyed by humans at all .

 For God has promised that, if such rules are followed in alignment to the God of abrahams's word 'whole' including isaiah 20: 4 or genesis 16: 12 for example,,in fact' in alignment to colossians 3: 22 then every arab gentile and hebrew will be saved through Jesus Christ, humanity's SAVIOUR. IN ALIGNMENT TO C5Q79 OR C4Q28. 

For hermes and this author are the direct lineal descendants of Jesus Christ . in one way, fashion or another. Spiritually or otherwise. explained elsewhere in these journals. Therefore such a statement is an esoteric truth to humans in this life, in numerous fashions addressed. Which gives my honorable father Jesus, a chuckle. As st. john the divine stated likewise metaphorically in revelation 8; verse 1 regarding hermes as well as this email writer likewise the following. Which is to state: "And when he had opened the seventh seal their was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. hence the true esoteric meaning of c7q70 of the fatidical quatrains of nostradamus.
 Revelation 10; 4 says the same thing.  In it's esoteric fullness . as c7q70 states, ON THE SEVENTH MILLENNIAL DAWN,OF THE SEVENTH MILLENIAL DAY IN ALIGNMENT TO 2ND PETER 3: 8 OR 2ND ENOCH 33: 1-11' A TWICE BLESSED PARTIALLY ANGELIC BEING IN ALIGNMENT TO C8Q69 OR C10Q42 OF THE QUATRAINS OF A SIXTENTH CENTURY GENT, SHALL ROAM THE FIELDS DOOMED TO SHADOWS WITH HIS BRETHREN, OR HE SHALL BECOME THE TEMPORARY SAVIOUR TO ALL WHO WALK THE GROUNDS OF EARTH PRESENTLY.'' granting everyone from the last three centuries a chance to redeem themselves towards God's statutes in the age of bronze. as c9q17 states regarding a retrograde so, THE GOLDEN AGE IS DEAD. Due to mankind's resistance in obeying isaiah 20:4 in alignment to genesis 9; 24-27, matthew 5; 17-20, colossians 3; 22, ephesians 6; 5-9, leviticus 25; 38-46, genesis 16: 12 or deut. 25; 3 in full.' AS ALSO 2ND PETER 3; 7-11 WARNS IN FULL.
For humans know better then the Holy Ghost on how to proceed with ex. 21 or romans 3: 31 in full. Which is why earth's ozone layer and air and waters are so clean nowadays. in sarcastically addressed righteously forwarded truth.  In full.
Now 'that said, TO THE READERS OF this website- i say the following: Which is: let us begin this entry's journal formally folks.
O yes. In truth.
Note to the reader: Regarding the following journal about to be divulged 'as well as ones to follow, so, let all of humanity note this clearly; Which is; The readers of this website do extremely well to prepare themselves for one serious ride right straight into the truth of the sacred scriptures of Christ , humanity's creator. In truth. Not to the point of my three thesis'es combined. Albeit sufficient to the cause of truth, for humans, on a general consensus.
The following is an appropriate spiritually elaborated introduction to the commencement of this journal. Wherein, first off, conducive to the incorporeal address transcribed in the gospel of st.john 3"8 so, note to the reader:
In prior journals i indicated, somewhat indirectly' that eventually this email writer, by the 'SPIRIT of truth' would proceed to address the words of a sixteenth century mystic.

 Reticent to the anachronism's as well as oracles of hope addressed by this specific sage in c3q94 of this holy israeli seers prophesy's addressed to all mankind. by which factor let the reader note that the truth of this specific 16th century individual's words shall accurately be revealed within the information still to come within this addressed website.

Wherein, and by which factor, symbolic somewhat to mankind's achilles heel' 'so to speak' so let us begin this journal's introduction, first off, with the following perspicuously simple cautionary truth addressed as an important warning to all human beings presently alive on this earth today who possess common sense. As if any created being does not possess common sense on some proper level in truth. for example an elementary child knows not to put his or her hand in fire. or people born unfortunately with a mentally deficient capability due to various matters which pertain to previous existences still know better then to walk into traffic or under a horse for example. Eveyone possesses common sense/
Not that humans not born with such a deficiency are better . Sometimes they are not.

 God works in mysterious ways when it comes to rebellious humans. On numerous levels in truth.

And humans without a deficiency are to assist and show mercy to those with a deficiency in alignment to galatians 5: 4, ist corinthians 5; 5 matthew 5: 17-20, leviticis 25: 38-46 as well as 'for the sake of appropriate record- luke 4: 4 wholly. Not to the point where justice is mocked, albeit each judgment must come in an appropriate context. God see's a person's deficiency if they have one and that is taken into appropriate consideration regarding facts, albeit such a truth does not mean that a person with a disability in this life is above matthew 5; 17-20 or God's laws.

They 'too' must keep God's laws appropriately and decently. The Lord see's the heart, though' and humans are equal in God's sight in that matter. Disability or not. Besides that, their is also the matter of faith and faith is easy for humans if the facts of this existence are analysed properly in sincere truth. By which factor a disabled person in this life could persevere in prayer to God in alignment to 1st thssalonians 5; 17 or luke 18: 1-8 for saving power to any deficiency they may have in this life and God would hear their prayer. Most do not though.

 Through common sense, by way of mark 11; 23 'if they did pray sincerely then wonders could work, through Jesus and God through the human functions asscribed in jer. 29; 13-14 in truth.
Now, a person, disabled or not' does not have to follow that, to be saved, albeit, why not do that, if you love Jesus? saints and prophets did that in alignment to ephesians 6; 18 by which factor, God blessed them in alignment to hebrews 11; 37-38 or luke 14; 33 wholly.

Albeit, regardless, despite that truth, the point unto the preceding information or warning addressed, generally for now, due to mankind's resistance to the appropriate truth of God, is worded as follows;
Those who seek to deceive the HOLY SPIRIT of christianity, shall themselves be deceived. By which factor deviants of this era instruct one another to start they're spiritually elicit corrupt engines. reminicent of romans 1; 18-30.

Specifically verse 30. By which factor, of a truth let the following be ascertained by way of the folly of such callous deviant imbecilic beings today. Human or not human.

Which is; .... o what a tangled web one weaves, when first one practises to deceive.''' Albeit nevertheless, the beat of such a specifically callous human drum is continuous in today's human socities in defiance of hebrews 11; 37 and that verses connection to c3q67 and acts 2 and 3 for the most part.
Does that statement shock humanity today? uh huh. in that case you ani't heard nothing yet. O yes folks. In truth.

Ladies and gentlemen, i implore thee, is the welfare of the earth itself not valid in that which pertains unto this specific era of humanity in general?  This era of humans is advised to conjoin itself to truth in an appropriate non lukewarm fashion, devoid of deceit' before it is too late.
by which factor i address the following for the sake of truth:  in full. it begins with a brief inquiry to my readers. Worded as follows: Conducive to the truth of the SPIRIT of GOD'S addressed acronyms through various members of the LORD'S  holy jewish prophet's in particular so let the reader accurately note the following enquiry in truth in alignment to ezekiel 33: 33.
Just for the appropriate sake of record regarding that which is still to come;.

Which enquiry states thus: How verily' generally speaking; is a true prophet of God discerned by the human race 'specifically' in truth? Ardour? The answer to such an enquiry is located for all creation to give witness to in deuteronomy 18: 20-22. see also the spiritual truth transcribed in ezekiel 33: 33, 1st cor. 14; 32, rev. 19; 11, c2q28 and jer. 28: 9 regarding that matter addressed as well in full.               
In that which pertains unto all true prophets of God down throughout the ages of this present existence of man. See likewise 2nd peter 1: 19-21.

Which truth is informative to say the least. To which end the following information is both informative as well as intriguing.

 Wherein, and to which end, i do astutely state to the human race today that, by way of various factions transcribed already in this website, in that which pertains 'specifically' to a certain 16th century sage already addressed by name, so let the reader note clearly that the 16th century addressed human mystic, michel denotredame is partially unique. 
Not in that which regards incorporeallly maniacal humans, who hearken continually to wine, flesh or song do i assert such a statement. 
No, i am not referring to that concept of this existence in transcribing that statement addressed. For nostradamus was not that sort of individual. Obviously the facts impute that 'wholly.'

Regarding nostradamus's commission given to him by God to prophesy of me in alignment to c2q45 or c5q76 respectfully in truth.
By appropriate way of the SPIRIT OF GOD'S  just inclinations transcribed in isaiah 66; 4-5 or 1st kings 22; 22. so to speak. on a certain level of rational logic.

In alignment to c3q94, c10q75 c5q79 or c4q29 in that which michel denotredame relates regarding this author likewise in truth is such a statement asserted. see c2q27. Regarding a spiritual concept 'straightway to the opposite of an extrinsic existence' which may 'partially be likened 'actually' to a forth coming unique baptism for this author 'extroverted through fire' in a matter of speaking. Spiritually 'for now.
Interwoven pneumatically through acts 1; 8, or 1st cor. 2: 12-15 and john 14: 26.

 Regarding the sacred scripyures of christianity in alignment unto 2nd peter 1; 19-21 whole. Albeit such a truth is not to say that a prophet of God is confined to canonical scripture. God's prophets are not confined to canonical scriptures.

Or scriptures at all, at some points. Which is why humans must be careful, in how they address one another. At least in alignment to matthew 7: 16-20 or henbrews 13; 2. Sometimes it is evident that someone is corrupt by which factor a true christian is not required to show respect to a being who willingly commits corruptions. 2nd john 1; 10-11 makes that perfectly clear in full.

Albeit, regardless, at times, minor prophets of the christian God, peak outside of scripture. As acts 15; 32 transcribes. Wherein humans should be cautious of that truth. Yet a minor prophet of the christian GOD does not supercede a major prophet 's words at all. as prior information in my journals state appropriately likewise in truth.

Albeit, nevertheless, for the appropriate sake of record, to appropriately decipher truth through 2nd peter 1; 19-21 'keenly' one needs to be in tuned to truth in truth's fullness . As even nostradamus gives testament to mankind's general populace in that which pertains unto the truthful mystic anagrams presented by that specific holy third final major israeli prophet. See EP quatrains 55-to 57 or PF 16-18 regarding nostradamus's prophesies regarding that matter addressed likewise within the Spirit  in truth.

On that note folks, i am leaving off this journal for now due unto time restrictions. until we meet again i advise to the reader that the last three verses of the epistle of jude are good meditation for a temporary doxology for the readers of this website.
Thank you. 
message veridically delivered. message veraciously received. Signed. Ouranous. Letter concept? Truth.

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