Tuesday 29 July 2014

To humans today note the following; genesis 9; 24-27 connected to genesis 16; 12, romans 3; 31, luke 12; 47-48, deuteronomy 25; 3, or ephesians 6: 5--9 promises salvation unto all human beings when humanity and humans from each nationality accept their assigned positions of servitude or authority given to each human being from God in this existence. 
Which includes the arabian nations.
 Their would be no arabian person blowing up enfants for the sake of the teachings of a prophet who could not care less about the arabian people on earth inthis existence 'if the gentiles and jaws or rather 'jews' rather- on earth had simply continued to adhere unto and hopnor or rather honor the HOLY SPIRIT'S  instructions transcribed in malachi 4; 1-5, genesis 17; 27, genesis 24; 1-35, romans 9: 4-5 matthew 5: 17-20, leviticus 25; 37-45, colossian's 3; 22 or exodus 21: 6. minus deceptions in humans. 
if mankind obeyed the instructions addressed for the human race regarding such a matter in that which pertains unto isiah 20: 4.
so , that said, i now address the following topic to humanity respectfully. 
Now, to the readers of this website, i wish to assert before commencing with the address of this chater that the topics related herein 'i do not wish to recall. Albeit God bids that i address such a topic to clarify various issues which relate to the subjects about to be addressed. 
Logic which reflects proverbs 29: verses 1-2 is how the preceding statement may be evaluated. hence the following must be forwarded in writing. 
Approximately 3 days before the date of september 11th 2001 this email writer received an interior revelation vision of an american boeing 757 jet' 'flight 77' in fact, bound for the city of, for the majority' fallen angels, which is los angelas or L A. U S A.
that was that' jet's flight destination . From the capital city of the U S A, Which is washington d c.

 the heritage addressed in genesis 16; 12 flies by spiritual darkness or night in defiance of isaiah 20; 4.  Now let us evaluate numerical signals. 4 flights hijacked by the heritage addressed in genesis 16.   of irony 4 four's are located in the numeral '16.'
Entranced within a trance Through God's Spirit as well as my own by way of c3q94 of the quatrains of nostradamus my vision on september 8th 2001 was of a 757 boeing jets passengers screaming just before an impact on a fiery surface or substance .  
77.7 hours to go. before impact. near God's septagram 7th dawn. regarding God's millenial 7th day,.

to the readers of this website. the preceding brings up a rarity in christian vaticinal works. For similar to the preceding, a certain verse of nostradamus, specifically c10q80, encircles two prophesies in one. 8 minus one equals seven. retrograde wise.  {A legendary duke and king of previous existences are drowned on the great partial brass ship of dreams, which prophesy, also molecularly' as well as spiritually intertwine' the ship port of halifax, nova scotia , regarding halifax nova scotia's temporary early 20th century destruction or disaster, likewise.
regarding beings 'present' at those two human events in this existence.
close to the beginning of the 20th century the ship titanic received 7 iceburg warnings, on it's route to america of a huge field of ice some 77. 7 miles long waxing close to the ship TITANICS diameter location.
 Albeit 7 times the ship titanic's crew ignored such a warning from other ships regarding a massive field of ice, from other ships estimated to be approximately 77.7 miles wide.
how ironic that 0ne of those warnings apparently received, was from a fellow ship sailing the atlantic, at that interval named the californian.
Of note certain members of the titanic's passengers that night swore that they saw a ship with the markings of a ship addressed as the californian within the vicinity of the californian drifting slowly out of sight on that fateful april night.

 Yet the captain of the californian denies being in the vicinity of the titanic when the titanic sank 77.7 minutes after impact with a 77.7 mile high iceburg. Further the captain of the titanic boldly stated with witnesses that his ship was no where in the vicinity of the ship titanic when the ship titanic went down to the bottom of one of earth's 7 oceans 98 years ago .
nostradamus states in c7q89 the following; "Pillars of light shall fall with serpents coiled in their heads."- 9 to 8 to 7.
The captain of the californian on the atlantic
 Implying sarcastically boldly that the titanics passengers must have saw a ghost ship resembling the ship californian Headed for the vicinity of los angelas california. regarding a spiritual perimeter in connection to this website author's vision of a boeing 757 headed for losangelas california likewise. Spiritually located
near God's septagram 7th dawn. In that which pertains unto God's millenial 7th day.. Approximately 707 lives we're saved that fateful night in the month of april. the 4th month.  757 connected to the digit 4 . Four makes five for apocalypse. The cheshire breed spawns an intertwining battleground. Victory attained for evil spirits without a ship set sail'
nostradamus states in c7q57 the following; regarding intertwining visions.  
"Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea, young trees of knowledge shall fall, crushed by the thorny vin of a red rose.' hence 'the sacred vision of the holy Ghost is accurate fully. Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea board. where we're the towers located that fell in new york city new york on september 11th 2001 a d/ the eastern sea board.
 Likewise, what are the serpents coiled in the heads of the towers pillars which fell/ obviously the heritage addressed in genesis 16; 12. the heritage which denies the mother mary her honors as Christ's divine mother. the heritage that denies christ jesus divinity status. 
As 1st john 4: states. Four makes five for a secondary armmaggedon. Fly by night into destruction. Why did the partiarch enoch speak against machines that fly in the book of enoch in alignment to jasher 9; 24-27/ ? 
 see jude 1:14
Why do the readers of this writing think that enoch warns humanity, through the Holy Ghost to avoid inventions that fly?

Reminicent of that which is addressed in hebrews 5: verse 7 so unless a created being is a completely mentally retarded ostrich the answer to the present question presented to the readers of this website regarding the obvious truth of this existence is clear. 
So? that said let us finish this journal with the following question to the readers of this website. Which is; Folks on earth today, in light of that information installed into the cerebral cortexes of humans dwelling presently on earth today i now ask this sensible inquiry of mankind. 
Which reflects the factions of the preceding journal addressed. It states thus: it states. Folks.
Spiritual departure time to the seventh dawn retrograde apocalypse referred to by nostradamus as well as this author courtesy of the works of corrupt human beings folks dwelling on earth today is what exactly in light of the preceding information addressed in all reality in full?/
reminicent of hebrews 5; 7 so the answer to that simple query by way of mark 13: 1 or luke 11; 13 is simple. The spiritual departure time to the golden age being transformed into a bronze age is 5 to 7. 
see hebrews 5; 7-14. 4 to 5 to 7 to 14.  7 plus 7. numerically speaking. 
Courtesy of human rebels to God's original laws in full.

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