Tuesday 29 July 2014

to derry_mddd
Brief notes- c10q68.  "the army of the sea will stand before the city. then it will leave without making a long passage. A great flock of citizens will be seized on land. Fleet to return to retake the great robbery.'''
The book of enoch relates to all how the sea shall become the lake of fire referred to in the book of revelation following the final judgment of God upon humanity. 
So obviously , from what has gone on before us in these journals, on this website so- it is crystal clear that the first line in c10q68 is clear-
 In alignment to 2nd esdras 7-9, the army of the nations which mocked God's laws by their works in this life, will stand before the sacred city of God, Jerusalem'. Then such an army shall leave, as lines 2 and 3 of c10q68 insert. As also matthew 26: 41 states. before and after the seventh dawn. as c10q72 states. As these journals explain. Fleet to return to retake the great robbery. Meaning? Upon a retrograde, the majority of humans of this time frame who dishorably ignore my words- will hearken to corruption again.
Once again, through interplanetary spiritually esteemed tokens- apparent intangible enigma's wrapped in inscrutable riddles wrapped in marvelous mysteries are solved in all their simplicity by this email writer author in full. 
Which is why c5q72 is written. Regarding the goddess 'venus' my mother being honored through her son. me. Regarding my devotion to God's law.. In opposition to earth's laws which we're obviously written by spiritually deranged partially retarded rhinoceres and ostriches in human form 'who have infiltrated human societies throughout the earth today and prior to this date recently on earth and masqueraded as humans, over the last 300 years of mankind. In alignment to 2nd peter 2; 12 or matthew 10: 16. 
Albeit, despite that function, humans who address God's truth's see through deception. Or deceivers.
 On earth or wherever.
To which end, let this be stated likewise. Which is:
By which factor how does james 4: 17 connect to ex. 12; 14-15? Regarding matthew 5; 17-20.  the answer? The passover is a enduring ordinance for humanity likewise.  
reminicent of the law of moses spoken of in the after time reflective of ezekiel 40-48 as well regarding the new jerusalem.
Entry denied to idiots who stupidly mock God's laws in alignment to matthew 19; 17.. see revelation 21: 1-8.
wherein, and to which point, hence, 
Thus nostradamus states the following, "The heavens foretell concerning the city of planets. by clear signs and fixed stars that the time of her change is near at hand. Neither because of her goodness nor wickedness.  
regarding the new jerusalem. Entry denied to idiots. in amatively addressed truth. 
by which factor now that 'that' has been clarified' i now close out this brief journal with the following information addressed; Which states thus; Of intrigue, by 2nd esdras 7: 58, i had a vision of a previous time frame as well as existence, incorporeal to copenhagen and the hague, regarding this planet and present existence 'specifically in fact' wherein, partially reminicent of ezekiel 36: 22-24, for truth's sake i state that, in that which pertains to where this author's chromosomes originated from in a specific previous existence , so, regarding another prophesy of mr denotredame, let the reader note now 'specifically' that , in this existence' in his epistle to henry the second-quatrains ep 89-93 that prophesy gives reference- specifically to the 50th degree of latitude.
 Semiotic of c5q84. See also c10q42. see ep 104-111. note 1st cor. 2; 15. see 1st cor. 14; 32. 
Hence one Connects the dots of the HOLY GHOST APPROPRIATEly. 
Which is applicable likewise to this time frame. Folks. Regarding previous existences that is ouranous-alias-this author's original overland express route. 
As through jer. 29; 13-14, regarding metonymical designations as well as the places they are to occur, nostradamus often times speaks on spiritual levels in that which pertains to the HOLY GHOST. 
Nostradamus does this more then most prophets of God in fact. see 1st cor. 2; 15 in truth. See matthew 7; 6. Albeit, regardless of that statement addressed for now ultimately i have now rest assuredly decided to leave all of my readers with the following interesting selection of modern day poetry, in fact, for the enjoyment of all of my readers in full. in alignment to c2q13. 
Note to the reader; The following poetry 'somewhat improvised or plagiarized' is attributed to an earthling addressed as George Thorogood and his 20th century earth band called-the- destroyers. Such lyrics fly respectfully truthfully in the face of all happy beings on earth today in alignment to luke 6: 26' as follows: In this sacredly divine holy manner addressed . in full.
in a vision i literally 'spiritually indeed do' remember the holy day i was born unto the goddess APHRODITE-alioas- Venus, her heavenly nurses all gathered around her in full. And they gazed at the wild fulfillment of the ALL DIVINE HOLY SPIRIT'S prophesies of nostradamus- forwarded to mankind- motioned in c3q94 as well as c2q45.
Yes, it was spiritual joy which they had found in full. the head heavenly nurse mirthfully respectfully spoke up to her fellow heavenly nurses 'exclaiming', 'leave the holy grand-child of our LORD JESUS CHRIST , by way of previous existences, with his mother for the time being, in private and 'alone'.
For the holy head nurse of heaven my mothers - handmaiden clearly knew by the SPIRIT of TRUTH that i was incorporeally holy straight to the sinews as well as bones.
 by which factor, through such an anointed humble child of heaven, a member of the holy lineage of our Lord jesus Christ, truth shall prevail and evetually be made known to all earthlings . in an existence still to come and unfold itself. in full.
To which end i state that earthlings refer to a partial fairytale, animated as well as addressed by humans today, in today's time frame- known and addressed by humans as Winnie the pooh,': The exact same tale refers to a puppet tiger of that sitcom fairy tale which calls itself 'tigger.' The tiger puppet has a catch phrase slogan statement repeated throughout such a partial fairy tale. 
The cliche to such a tale? That puppet repeats the following statement:
time and- Again .
the cliche slogan.'
 the most wonderful thing about tiger puppets, the tiger puppet states' is that' i'm the only one! 
This email writers catch phrase is similar. Regarding c2q45, Through c5q79 or 2nd esdras 7: 58 so, regarding pro creations' of God, with the exception of one so- chromospherically, i'm the only one.   In full.

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